We are Ukrainians, so courage and mutual support are in our blood. We call ourselves "Blagorobs" because we believe in good and create it together with you.
Our team members have another life before the war. We are IT entrepreneurs, communicators, programmers, sales managers, office workers, financiers, and service station workers. And now, we have become warehouse managers, food quality assessors, loaders, and drivers.
From February 27, our team began helping Kharkiv residents with the biggest needs. And since June, we have managed to deliver humanitarian aid to more than 53 000 people, and we are not stopping there.
We have developed balanced 23-kilogram boxes calculated for a family's monthly needs to save on logistics costs.
We understand that Kharkiv entrepreneurs are also in a difficult situation right now, so we buy most of our products from local businessmen to support them.
Now we all have one common mission — to help Ukrainians defeat the enemy and restore peace. We are sure that our nation will be stronger and happier after all of this.
Cooperation with Blagorobs